In the last couple of weeks we hopefully worked towards Zomer Kabinet, but unfortunately it will be impossible to organize the festival we want within the current guidelines of the Dutch government. Organizing Zomer Kabinet while taking into account the 1.5 meter distance policy is simply impossible, so we are forced to move the festival to 2021. Zomer Kabinet was scheduled for September 5 and will be moved to the Lente Kabinet Easter weekend of 22nd and 23rd of May, 2021.
All Lente Kabinet and transferred Zomer Kabinet tickets will be valid on the new dates. All ticket holders will receive an email today with all information regarding the ticket policy. If you have an (Early Bird) Weekend Ticket for Lente Kabinet and already transferred your ticket for Zomer Kabinet, your original order will be valid again. For more information, please head over to our FAQ which can be found through our link in bio.
By now, it should come as no surprise that losing both Lente Kabinet and Zomer Kabinet this summer will have a massive impact on our small team, as well as the wider network of people we work with all year around: musicians, artists, producers, partners, and countless freelancers. As such, we would like to take this opportunity once again to ask that you continue showing empathy for and actively supporting your favourite artists, labels, venues, and all other initiatives in the creative industry wherever you can. Although the wait will be longer, we promise it will be an edition to remember nevertheless.
- Team Lente Kabinet